Dosage Form :Pills
Contain:Contains 230 Pills. Net weight 450 mg/pill
Ingredients: In 1000 grams of medicine, it contains 30 grams of Typhonium trilobatum, 30 grams of Amorphophallus saraburiensis, 30 grams of Glorisa superda, 30 grams of Dioscorea hispida, 30 grams of Colacasia gigantea, 30 grams of Alocasia macrooohizos and other herbal ingredients.
Indications:Relief of nasal polyps.
Dosage : Take 3 – 5 pills before meals 2 – 3 times daily.
Storage: Avoid heat, moisture and sunlight.
Precautions: NO
Contraindications :NO
Registration Number: G1033/2547