BABBLER’S BILL 100 Capsules

Thai Traditional Medicinal Herb

รหัสสินค้า: 113082 หมวดหมู่:


Dosage Form: Capsules

Contain: Contains 100 Capsules. Net weight of extract 250 mg/capsule

ส่วนประกอบ: In 100 grams of medicine, it contains 45 grams of Babler’s bill, 15 grams of Tiliacora triandra, 15 grams of Cogon grass, 5 grams of Ivy gourd and other herbal ingredients.

Indications : Relief of fever and apthous ulcers

Dosage Take 2 – 4 capsules before meals 3 times daily.

Storage: Avoid heat, moisture and sunlight.

Precautions: NO

Contraindications: NO

Registration Numbe: G83/2545



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